Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


Because the new moon is happening in Pisces, which is also the last of the water signs, this announcement of the dissolution of the nation-state does not open a window to oblivion. Instead, as it recalls the many refugees from Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Myanmar, who have knocked the doors of Europe over the years, it is a reminder of the many more and deeper interconnections between humans and nonhumans alike.

This announcement does not tell us what lies beyond the dissolution but invites questions that may guide us there, such as: What would become of the collective if it was no longer imaged as a grouping of individual dots? Would a nation-state still be thinkable when the multiple material belongings and entanglements we are composed of would be acknowledged?

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


This full moon gathers us in revision, which is another word for study, about service and in service, of each other, of ourselves and of the planet that sustain our lives. With Chiron in the 9th House in Aries, the revision we feel under this moonlight, has an ethical dimension to it. Full Moon in Gemini adds its deem light and render a bit more perceptible -- perhaps only subconsciously - the unusual collective structures the Saturn and Uranus Square has been teasing us to built.

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Expanding Intensity
Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva

Expanding Intensity

How does the intensity of this moment allow us to sense each other, the planet, our body? what thinking becomes possible in this depth? As we go about contemplating the shadow we cast through this lunar eclipse, expanding intensity is the work.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


Read this way, this full moon in Pisces comes an opportunity to confront the ways value is embodied both personally and collectively. How do abstract ideas of value shape the collective and its institution? how does value as felt appreciation gather and orient our movements, materialize our bodies and immediate geographies? Where are the resonances and dissonances between the two?

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


This New Moon (Sun and Moon) in Virgo is opposed to Mercury in Pisces on the Second House, and comes into effect as Jupiter and Saturn (in Aquarius) parade in a First House ruled by Saturn. That, to me, gives the sense that the auto-learning/auto-teaching allows for an emotional and intellectual appreciation of undoing, unraveling, unweaving the fabric, the threads, the molecules, atoms that compose the many layers of matter that is actual existence. At that level, in/as these deeper layers this scrutiny may expose that which is unanticipated because it constitutes the very fabric of existence and, for that reason, is not available (in spacetime) for scrutiny.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


Something’s up, something is coming up and whatever it is, be it an idea, a possible way of existing, an inspiration, a bodily or earthly need (MC 0* Taurus), it appears with clarity and carrying a whole lot of depth.  This is the depth carried by the trine between Pluto, Uranus and Mars/Mercury, which makes the traces of the ongoing planetary transformation available as clues,  all already here in our material circumstances and immediate surroundings. 

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


This New Moon in Leo resounds inner complexity! More precisely – well, precision is not really relevant, or even desirable in this context – it recalls what can be thought, said, or related if, just for a moment, one entertains the possibility that everything that is possible, potential, actual, and virtual holds at the same time, inside, that is, within/as us and all other singular bodies and minds.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


I like to read this full moon in Aquarius as an invitation to sense the continuity beyond and before the apparent duality of self and other, interior and exterior distinctions. If we turn with the astrological wheel, the interior and the exterior, as well as all the other complementary descriptors of opposing portions of the sky, all lie in/as a continuous surface of inhabitance.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


New Moon in Cancer offers a precious opportunity for reconsidering how we reflect and study (given by its Trine with a 3rd House Retrograde Neptune Pisces). It invites a consideration of what can be learned, recorded, or proposed when thinking recalls liquid expressions of the sensible.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


As it squares the Sun, the Moon transits the 6th house of health and conjuncts Chiron, also known as the wounded healer. In this configuration and in Aries, the Moon may show up as a push, a rush, a drive or perhaps a cry, towards healing itself. And yet, what does healing mean in the midst of a global pandemic that is strengthening and consolidating day by day the inequalities of this world? what kind of action would healing require?

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


What is it about the structure of this global capitalist context that becomes visible, that becomes knowable when looked at, not from the perspective of a person and their issues regarding home and their public image, but from this latest act against the already limited Indigenous rights to their traditional lands (Moon in the 4th house)? What would it have to to say about how we, each and every one of us, perceive ourselves reflected in the global context (Sun in the 10h House)?

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


Emerging from its darkness the Moon shines in the sign of Virgo, half lit by the Gemini Sun. The shift in thinking that re/turned in the last new moon has now an opportunity to find a creative expression of some sort, gifting us with a generative glimpse.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


What is made anew, what re-turns when the Moon spends that brief moment, under its own light, with the Gemini Sun? Where the Sun accentuates that mode of thinking that thrives in duality and separability, which cannot but presuppose and impose unity, the Dark Moon invites a meditation on thinking itself – but not on content (the what) of thinking but on the manner (the how) of thinking.

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dim moonlight shower
Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva

dim moonlight shower

The dim light of this watery moon is an invitation to reckon with the uncertainty, and perhaps with the fundamental indeterminacy of our existence. As scary or anxiety-filling as this might sound, the Sun in Gemini conjunct the North Node in the fourth house offers a glimpse, a fleeting intuition or perhaps even a strong sense of what grounding and belonging could feel when not attached to formal notions of identity and unity.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


Facing off a Sun sailing across the early degrees of Gemini, this Sagittarius Moon exudes warmth. Everything around it, illuminated by it shares its soft, reddish light. It is as if that which is usually considered the core of one’s ‘single being’ is reflected back by Moon light, that is, by everything you happen to attend to these days. Full Moon in Sagittarius, opposite a First House Sun – what would you expect? It cannot but remind humans that, like everything else, each one of us is only ‘singular.’ Each, that is, is an echo of everything else, each inflected by how implicated each existent and event is with one another, all and at once.

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


After renewal comes a crossing, a 90 degrees angle between the Sun (at 29* Taurus) and the Moon (at 29* Leo). A crossing implies a movement, a crisis, a tension between different directions, but it’s also a meeting point, an opportunity, an interpellation, an “Hey!” which makes one turn around and for a moment pay attention. How is that which was re/newed and re/turned in the New Moon appearing now? Is that materially untenable duality starting to take some shape? What does it look like?

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Denise Ferreira da Silva Denise Ferreira da Silva


Thinking of what has not yet or has never happened or existed before in material terms is one of the many invitations made by this conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, in the first sign of the Earth trilogy. While there are many ways to consider this configuration, here I choose to read it as a moment in which a duality—intellectual and emotional, light and dark, exterior and interior, reflection and intuition – that makes sense in formal terms, reveals itself untenable because considered materially.

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