
July 1st, 2021

Last quarter moon in Aries.png

Whenever two planets appear to be at a 90* angle from each other when looked from here on Earth, they indicate a crisis of sorts, as they literally cross each other. The Sun and the Moon cross (square) each other twice per lunar cycle, showing perhaps a different image of the crisis, making it less of a feared event and more a cyclic opportunity. As we wittiness the closing square of the current moon cycle, this last quarter Moon gives us a chance to act and in the midst of the tension, willing or unwilling, make whatever changes are needed.

As it squares the Sun, the Moon transits the 6th house of health and conjuncts Chiron, also known as the wounded healer. In this configuration and in Aries, the Moon may show up as a push, a rush, a drive or perhaps a cry, towards healing itself. And yet, what does healing mean in the midst of a global pandemic that is strengthening and consolidating day by day the inequalities of this world? what kind of action would healing require?

This is the question being asked to the Sun sitting in Cancer, in the Moon’s traditional ruler and in the 9th house of philosophy and collective beliefs.  This question is being asked to each and everyone of us, showing up as a feeling or an intuition (Moon) in our bodies and/or in the earth itself (6th house).

Feeling unwell about the way the world as such is being violently shaped (and kept in shape) has today the power to initiate (aries) healing by questioning the intellectual foundations of our collectivities and societies (9th house). Perhaps we can stay with whatever feeling of unease or pain that is showing up, be it as a mood or a heatwave or yet another death, and allow those feelings to serve as a guide, allowing us to attend to the affects/effects of those foundations as we question them in action. 



