
June 24th, 2021

Full Moon in Capricorn.png

What if, all of a sudden, everyone and everything saw what they consider to be their innermost stamped on the billboards, bus tops, and park benches? Well, this is not so farfetched as it would have been 20 or 30 years ago, before we all got into this weird means of communicating with each other, one in which what matters is not so much what but the fact that you do something, write a post, react, share … You know what I mean.

Full Moon in Capricorn in the 10th house, facing off a 4th house Cancer Moon invites us to consider this reality, but it does so with a twist. From here on Earth, the Moon is placed low in the heavens, very uncomfortably, having its structures and components exposed, available for scrutiny, while a mellow Sun shines from high above, also uncomfortably, as if its sole role was to express that which holds the structures together without having to be perceived.

That uneasiness, the feeling of being exposed, of having ones inside out and shining for everyone to see becomes the least interesting aspect of this composition when one attends to the fact that Gemini is on the 10th house. It does not mean that ‘feelings’ are not the most important thing here. They are. The Sun is in Cancer and it is opposed to a 4th house Moon. However, it is also important that this composition is still all about knowing and making it known. Knowing and making known not what matters to a particular person, or what is relevant to one specific event. Rather it is about knowing and making known something that feels (Moon and 4th house) very private, painful, and limiting to everyone and everything, but which is felt that way because it is constitutive of collective structures (Capricorn).

Looking at this apparently obvious set up, I cannot but wonder what would happen if we were to read this Full Moon in Capricorn, as it refracts the Sun light over everyone and everything on Earth,  as illuminating the struggles of the Brazilian Indigenous leaders and communities who are now facing the Bolsonaro’s agents of racial violence, as they protest a decisive move by the Brazilian state, a move that will basically eliminate the already limited gains in the realization of Indigenous land rights in the country.

What is it about the structure of this global capitalist context that becomes visible, that becomes knowable when looked at, not from the perspective of a person and their issues regarding home and their public image, but from this latest act against the already limited Indigenous rights to their traditional lands (Moon in the 4th house)? What would it have to to say about how we, each and every one of us, perceive ourselves reflected in the global context (Sun in the 10h House)?



