August 22nd, 2021

Full Moon Aquarius Aug 22.png

Reaching fullness again in the sign of Aquarius, the Moon repeats some of the issues that surfaced in the last full moon, also in Aquarius on July 23rd, offering now another rehearsal in different key.

In this new composition the Sun and the Moon switched placement on the 1st-7th house axis: the Sun is now filling with its brightness and inspiration the 1st house of how someone or something appears or comes into existence, while the Moon reflects its light back to the Sun from the 7th house of how someone or something relates and commits to its surroundings. This placements is an invitation to pay attention to your relationships, to whatever they reflect back to you or make evident. Jupiter conjuncts the Moon and amplifies its message, helping it to feel as an embrace, no matter how deep or hard the message may be.

Something’s up, something is coming up and whatever it is, be it an idea, a possible way of existing, an inspiration, a bodily or earthly need (MC 0* Taurus), it appears with clarity and carrying a whole lot of depth.  This is the depth carried by the trine between Pluto, Uranus and Mars/Mercury, which makes the traces of the ongoing planetary transformation available as clues,  all already here in our material circumstances and immediate surroundings. 

How to attend to the painful realisations these clues may hold? How to discern what begins to emerge from the reflected light of the Moon? How to allow its embrace? However each will go about it, the time is ripe. 


