
July 10th, 2021

For the past many years, I have been wondering about what would take to bring about a shift in our way of thinking which would allow us to grasp at once today’s most relevant ethical-political issues – the devastations caused by the effects of global warming, the various shapes and ways of colonial and racial violence, cis-heteropatriarchal operations.

Thinking about this question when the Moon and the Sun meet at home, in Cancer, on the 8th house gives a different sense to this cosmic dance. It is even more complicated when this encounter is facilitated by a Retrograde Neptune, at home in Pisces, on the 3rd House. Why? Many reasons could be listed. Let me just mention one of the most obvious reasons. Both correspondences of the Sun –to a certain sense of what something is (ontological question) or to the sense of how we best know something (epistemological referent) – are troubled by the opacity associated with the element of water and its astrological correspondents, such as the Moon, the 8th House, Neptune, and Pisces. Neither correspondence of the Sun can rely on the presumption that both questions – of what something is and of how to know it – can count on certainty.

What if what something is, and how we go about answering the question, requests that attention be given to how it feels, the depth to/from which the feeling arrives, and how it expresses how that thing, how anything, is implicated in/with everything else? What becomes of studying when it is no longer about knowing but about existing in an un/certain way?

New Moon in Cancer offers a precious opportunity for reconsidering how we reflect and study (given by its Trine with a 3rd House Retrograde Neptune Pisces). It invites a consideration of what can be learned, recorded, or proposed when thinking recalls liquid expressions of the sensible.



