
December 18th, 2021

For the last full moon of this calendar year the Moon shines in the sign of Gemini in the 11th house, gifting a heightened capacity for emotional discernment, allowing us to sense and reflect on the sociality and collectivity that support our lives, and life in general.  This discernment is at once made possible and confronted by the expansive self-expression and creativity that the Sun in the 5th house (its domicile) in Sagittarius (a fire sign) provides. Whether at odds or in mutual enhancement, the relation between engrossed self-expression and detailed social sensitivity will likely play out in relationships, given the beneficial aspects that Jupiter makes with both the Sun and the Moon from the 7th house of committed partnerships.  

The Pluto-Venus conjunction in the 6th house, which aspects both the Sun and the Moon in the chart of this lunation, adds the need to acknowledge the profound transformations happening in the ways we  love and in the ways we value, how those change are expressed in our bodies (and in the body of the earth) or how they could. 

This full moon gathers us in revision, which is another word for study, about service and in service, of each other, of ourselves and of the planet that sustain our lives. With Chiron in the 9th House in Aries, the revision we feel under this moonlight, has an ethical dimension to it. Full Moon in Gemini adds its deem light and render a bit more perceptible -- perhaps only subconsciously - the unusual collective structures the Saturn and Uranus Square has been teasing us to built.




Expanding Intensity