June 17th, 2021

First quarter moon in Virgo.png

Emerging from its darkness the Moon shines in the sign of Virgo, half lit by the Gemini Sun. The shift in thinking that re/turned in the last new moon has now an opportunity to find a creative expression of some sort, gifting us with a generative glimpse.

The opposition between Neptune in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo can be read as the tension between two ways of going about care that are now facing and aknowledging each other. On one side Neptune in Pisces in the First House emphasises the ideal, the dream and what it feels to gather and care for “something greater” (be it for the good and/or for the bad), while on the other side, the Moon in Virgo in the Seventh House insists on the patient work of care that the daily maintenance and nourishment of our closest relations already implies. This opposition is further deepened by Pluto in Capricorn, which aspects beneficially both planets, charging them with its power (and current mission) to transmute the structures and the material foundation of our lives,  that is of Earth itself.

This tense configuration squares finds and outlet in the Sun in Gemini which is placed, when looked from here  on Earth, at a 90* angle to both Moon and Neptune, in the cusp of the Fifth House. The Sun is here left with the challenge and opportunity to refract those beaming waves into something creative, inspiring and possibly even fun.

If we consider that the Sun is our planetary source of heat and energy, this configuration may be read as an invitation to pay attention to what our energy, love and labor already creates and nourishes, to how is it is arranged and entangled, and to pay attention to how that feels.

Little discernment or clarity may be available today, but imagination abounds, and with Mercury still in Gemini nearby the Sun, who knows what kind of experimentation, or play we may enter as we attend to the re/de/composition of our energy?



