August 8th, 2021

New Moon in Leo.png

This New Moon in Leo resounds inner complexity! More precisely – well, precision is not really relevant, or even desirable in this context – it recalls what can be thought, said, or related if, just for a moment, one entertains the possibility that everything that is possible, potential, actual, and virtual holds at the same time, inside, that is, within/as us and all other singular bodies and minds.

Nested on the Twelfth House, this New Moon teased as it is by (Squared) Uranus (in Taurus, Conjunct Midheaven), by (Trine) a Ninth House Chiron, and by (Opposed) a Sixth House Saturn, almost shouts that, from the depths, where awareness of self and other – of being fully and neatly separate from everything else – is not possible. From there, reality at its deepest material level, it is as if the emotional (Moon), Intellectual (Mercury, also in Leo, Conjunct with Ascendant), and Inspirational (Sun) forces aligned to remind us that this (sometimes) apparent mismatch between our (separate) physical expression (Saturn, in Aquarius, on the Sixth House) and our (implicate) social presentation (Uranus, in Taurus, Conjunct Midheaven) and self-realization (Twelfth House Sun in Leo), is not an aberration. To be sure this tension felt directly (Uranus Square Saturn) and indirectly, that is, through the Square with Uranus and the Opposition to Saturn, is constitutive of existence. Everything exists in/as this complexity, both separate and deeply implicated with everything else.

That this is so has already been highlighted and can be felt (emotionally and intuitively), because both the Sun and the Moon have already the zero-degree mark of their Square to Uranus. Because that happened while they were on the Twelfth House, the Sun and the Moon will help us to welcome its manifestations in/as us as they travel through the second half of Leo. The question is now, of course, how do we move on with this renewed awareness of implicancy and take it into account as we respond to the challenges of this moment, such as the rampant Delta variant, threating lives everywhere; persistent unequal access to vaccines, as COVID-19 turn endemic across the globe but in particular in the Global South; the havoc caused by global warming, as in the raging will fires in the Pacific Northwest and Greece; the redeployment of deadly colonial practices we see everywhere, but now more dramatically in the Bolsonaro administration’s violent move to completely eliminate Indigenous land rights, by killing the Indigenous peoples of Brazil.




