
May 12, 2021

Thinking of what has not yet or has never happened or existed before in material terms is one of the many invitations made by this conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, in the first sign of the Earth trilogy. While there are many ways to consider this configuration, here I choose to read it as a moment in which a duality—intellectual and emotional, light and dark, exterior and interior, reflection and intuition – that makes sense in formal terms, reveals itself untenable because considered materially.

New Moon in Taurus asks us to attend to matter and its inherent capacity, which is to re-new, to re-turn. For that which becomes, exists and happens is matter; and as such, it is but a redecomposition of what does never ever cease to be. In short, that whatever happens and exists does so at once for the first time and anew.

What is it that is made New as the Moon returns to that brief moment, under its own light? What does renewal mean when imaged as that moment when, from a location on Earth, the Moon is hidden behind the Sun? What begins, what is given anew, whatever it is, is also given by the house where it occurs, other planets, and aspects involved. This renewal of the Moon seems like a return to its own, which is also, because it is not visible in the sky, a reminder that the Moon time, the Lunar Cycle, as we know it, only exists in relation to the Sun. Without the Sun light, there wouldn’t be Phases of the Moon; the phases which are only so from Earth.

From here on Earth, this 10th House New Moon in Taurus, Conjunct with Uranus, Square with Leo Ascendant, suggests new approach to materiality. High up in the heavens, this unconventional Moon, with its Uranian flavour, expresses a creative, transformative, inner tension. The tension that joins what is conventionally considered a “public” (or “social”) task, which is to bring down deeply seated views of ethical and economic value (Taurus on the Cusp of the 10th house) and a “private” (“individual”) impulse to express singularity precisely in such a way. That tension it expresses as the ethical mandate to bring about a radical change at the level of the “social,” which includes the dissipation of anything “individual” as well as whole different sense for what is conceived under the term value and sought-after under the term justice. What may re\turn anew is precisely how to figure what is considered the primary deliverer and main beneficiary of such kind of radical transformation.

New Moon in Taurus – under the rule of Venus, manifested in its physicality, in its reference to the senses – cannot but make one wonder if what it is announcing is an original and disturbingly unconventional (Uranian) take on sensibility.

